If I in His grace don’t give the world His love how will they ever know such a love as His? Many have such a huge misunderstanding of Him because of the judgement Christians lay on them. Jesus was living grace in action, read the book of John and see the people He sought to be with. It was the “every man”, “every woman”. It wasn’t the self-righteous Pharisees He called hypocrites, those who judged others by their own expectations.
He never expected us to be perfect and we should not expect perfection of ourselves or each other. Does this mean we need to set our standards low? No. But it does mean that because we are not perfect no matter how high we try to set the standard it will eventually fail. It is Christ who will set the standard as He works in and through us. It means we need Him and each other, and we need encouragement from one another to move on in this world. His grace is the power within us that enables us to love one another, to love Him, and to follow Him.
It is the one thing I have as a grace full woman that empowers me to reach out and go for that dream God Himself has placed in my heart. It is His grace that equips me to live for Jesus, for without it I would be living for myself. Still I have to admit there are days, that I depend on myself instead of His grace within me. Those days are defeated, unfruitful, blah days.
Thank goodness I am crucified with Christ therefore I no longer live but it is Christ who lives within me. Galatians 2:20. This is grace brought to life in me. This is the reason I can live as a Grace Full Woman.
You can too. Grace is a free gift, there’s no cost to you but the freedom you receive is worth more than you could ever imagine. Want to talk? Make a comment, ask a question or contact me at julieemoore@bellsouth.net.
© Copyright Julie E. Moore