Statistics show 1 in 8 women develop depression sometime in life for various reasons like stress, life experiences, hormones, and believe it or not there are women who actually have a real chemical imbalance because they have very little serotonin surging through the brain... like me.
Those of us who suffer from depression seem to carry with us a stigma that we are weak minded , that our faith is weak, that somehow, some where we have failed and we just “need to suck it up” and get right. It’s much like telling a person with high blood pressure that it’s his/her fault for having the illness.
I have adopted the belief that if I haven’t walked in someone’s shoes I try not to assume I know what they are going through. I just want the same consideration from others. Instead of assuming I have brought depression on by feeling 'sorry for myself' try to be understanding. Instead of telling us that depression is sin, try doing a little internet research and find out for yourself that depression happens to some because of a chemical imbalance. Saying this makes some of us feel embarrassed, ashamed or angry. Even if we do sometimes get depressed because of life experiences, hormones, stress, etc. try giving some love and just listen to how we feel without making us feel like we need to keep our suffering a secret. I dare to say if this hasn't happened to you it will one day.
Yes, there are many times counseling, medication, and exercise and help us move into a more enjoyable life but there are also times we need prayer and a shoulder to lean on instead of judgment.
Depression can improve or go away all together, thank you God, but in the event that it last longer than you think it should, be an encourager for your loved one or friend. Be willing to walk beside her until the dark cloud passes, urge her to get the help she needs instead of suggesting she put on a smile and be thankful for everything she’s got. If looking around at everything she had would cure her she would have done that by now. When someone is truly clinically depressed it doesn’t matter how wonderful life seems on the outside, there’s something on the inside that keeps holding her down. She can’t explain why she feels the way she feels, it’s just dark, gloom, nonfunctioning, barely existing, life.
God intends for me to serve Him and in a full state of depression I can’t do that in a way that is worthy of Him. However, if medication helps me function with a full life of peace and joy I’m thinking He’s okay with it. One day I look forward to going ahead in life without meds. but until then or "if" maybe it doesn't even happen I will live this life to the fullest. And I'll do it with a little help and understanding from my friends and family and a lot of love from my great big God.
It’s time for the secret of depression to come out of the closet. What do you think?
Thank you for posting this Julie!! From someone who has experienced "true depression," you are right about everything you posted. In my case, my depression lasted a long time and even became very serious. So, I had to finally agree to go on medication. It has been the "best" thing for me. There are times that it can be related to life experiences etc.., but we can all benefit from great supportive and loving friends!! Thank you for your posts Julie!
Hey Pam, I'm so glad you are doing so well now. Love and support mean so much to me also, just to know someone else understands or is willing to listen.
Time for it to come right out of the closet where the love of Jesus can bring healing!! :) Maybe not the physical healing that will get rid of the depression. No there may be a season for it, but definitely some healing for a hurting heart. Lifting you up in prayer Julie.
Thank you for your prayers Nicole. I do need them and a friend of mine who was hurt last week over this needs to be lifted up. I love your most recent post, I've been up a few mountains myself. Loved the pic
good words. i have suffered with it off and on my whole life. and your post resonates with me. I think you would get a lot out of reading this, too. A perspective from a Christian on depression. I read this a few weeks ago and its still rolling around in my head:
glad to meet you on the trdc linkup!
Thanks I'll be reading the post you sent. Nice to meet you too!
i am only just coming to the first hurdle on my journey with depression so it was amazing to read this. thankyou for being brave enough to post it! xxxx stopping by from trdc linkupx
I've suffered through periods of depression but I have never went on any medication for fear it would put me in a fog but this makes me think about it totally differently. I definitely know what its like for people to tell you to "suck it up."
There are so many different kinds of meds. and it took me a while to find the right one but onece I did it is so wirth it. Living is a pleasure now not a chore.
Well so many of us are ridiculed it had to be said. Thanks for stopping by. I hope you get the help you need and live a life of joy.
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