Monday, June 13, 2011

Say Now What Might Not Get Said Later

Here is the prompt we were given from The Red Dress Club  RemembRed memoir.

This week we would like you to write about how the show of affection has played a part in your memory. Choose a time when either the abundance or lack of affection (either by you or someone else) stands out, and show us.  Bring us to that time.  Help us feel what you felt.

He was tall, dark and handsome and I thought he hung the moon. It would have surprised me to find out he actually didn't because there wasn't anything my father couldn't do.

My mother, brother and I didn't see him much because he worked two jobs most the time but when he was there we made the most of it. Our family ate dinner together, watched Little House On The Prairie, Carol Burnett and Andy Griffith every week, we hugged, and said "I love you".

My mother tucked me and my little brother in every night. We said our prayers, kissed her and she told us how much she loved us. Daddy came in later too and there would be no "sweet dreams" for this little girl unless her daddy said so right before the lights went out.

4:00 am came early and Daddy had to get his day started in order to work both jobs. He was as quiet as a mouse as he crept around the house getting ready. But before he left he opened my door and slipped in. He kissed my forehead and said, "I love you sweetheart, see you tonight."

"Bye Daddy. Love you too."

I closed my eyes and drifted back to sleep as my father went off to work at the car manufacturer for hours and then to pump gas at the filling station. He worked this second job one year so I could attend kindergarten. It wasn't free back in 1969.

Every morning of my childhood life I got that kiss and those words. After I grew up and moved out on my own I still heard those words every time I spoke to my Daddy. I don't hear them anymore because he slipped away to heaven in 1999 but I will forever hold them in my heart.

Growing up with love and affection displayed openly helped me be able to do the same. My husband and children never, if at all possible, go to bed without hearing how much I love them. Before we leave the house everyone gives the "I love yous" all around.

It may seem flippant and careless to some to use the words so easily but my Daddy said, " What if I left and never saw you again? I want you to know I love you." I feel the same. Say now what might not get said later.


Sophie said...

Hey there, just hopping by from RDC and wanted to say I've been thinking about this very thing tonight as I wrote my piece too... My dad has never actually said that he loves me although I know he does. I hope that one day he will!

Victoria KP said...

"Say now what might not get said later." So very true!

Galit Breen said...

Oh, I love this. The love and importance exudes from your words and wraps me right up. Now excuse while I go tell my kids that I love them. :)

TheKirCorner said...

AMEN!!!!!! I say it way too often, I hug tight and hang on too long, but what if I didn't?????

This was so wonderful!!! so glad you got those hugs, kisses and words too.

Jenny @ Jems From Jenny said...

I do not have children my friend, but I have felt this uncomparable kind of love. :) Thanks goodness right?! One of the things I pray for is that everyone be able to feel it at least once in their lives. It's incredible. And it seems like you are such a STELLAR mom...that's so admirable, especially in the days and times we're living in! You rock!

I have always said and wrote once, that if if we knew that the last time we got to hug, kiss, or touch someone could quite possibly be our last, we would have held on tighter...longer...and I truly believe that. I love people with a big love, and make SURE they feel it! I tell them daily how I feel, and that they know just how special they are to me. However you do it, I think it's important. Some may call it carelessly throwing my love around, lol, but to the people that I care about, I know they would say they rely and depend on it.

Blessings, Kisses & Coladas!

Jenny @ Jems From Jenny

P.S. Thank you SO MUCH for your visit and comment on my blog, I hope to see you back soon!

juliemooreonlife said...

I will be back. Loved your writing.

juliemooreonlife said...

Thanks for your kind comment. You go right ahead and love those little ones.

juliemooreonlife said...

Nothing could ever replace that in my life. thanks for stopping by.

May said...

THIS is what life should be like! I enjoyed the piece so much. It made me miss my own dad and the Andy Griffith show which always makes me think of being with him!

juliemooreonlife said...

Me too! Every time I watch Andy Griffith I think of my dad.

Katie said...

Oh, yes. True and unmatched affection. This just made my heart smile. the thought of your Dad coming in your room to say goodbye and love you before he left each sweet and wonderful. Beautifully told...really gave me chills. What a great dad!

Frelle said...

beautiful reminder, and what a tender way you speak of your dad and your family here!

mypajamadays said...

You had an amazing father - worked so you could go to kindergarten? Awesome. Your words were so visual, I felt like I had met him by the end of your essay. Thank you for painting such a wonderful picture of unconditional love and affection. I wish more children could experience this type of relationship.

comingeast said...

What a precious memory of your father and the lesson that he taught you. Well said, Julie.

Anastasia said...

Your dad was amazing. He was obviously dedicated to your family.