Saturday, July 30, 2011

Be Set Free From Your Prison

She paced the floor of the small space of the prison cell. Back and forth, wringing her hands, her heart felt as though it would come right out of her chest. It seemed more like a dream than reality. Would they really set her free today?

Lina had been incarcerated for two years on drug charges. The time she had spent behind these bars were hard, so hard in fact there were some days she didn't want to live. Lina wasn't like some of the women who came in claiming their ground and making a name for themselves. She was the one who tried to avoid them all just to stay alive.

Many nights Lina lay on her bunk thinking about freedom. Remembering life with her kids in their small rental home. At the time it didn't seem like much but oh what she wouldn't give to be back in her own full size bed with Ben and Lacey on each side of her.  These bars that held her prisoner, that held her captive gave her the feeling of being stuck in a type of hell.

Lina's story can be related to our own story before we find freedom in Christ. We are held captive by sin and death actually sentenced to hell. But when FREEDOM comes He breaks open those prison cell doors and we are free to walk right out living a life of love, no longer chained to the sin that destroys our lives.

Unfortunately many of us don't walk out of the prison cell doors, we continue to sit on the bunk and live in our old hell. Although we are free to go and live an abundant life as Jesus tells us in John 10:10 some of us continue in defeat. We are more than conquerors, saints  not sinners, righteous no longer unrighteous but we don't have a clue.

Life as a Captive Christian is miserable. When Jesus set us free, He set us free from the chains of any sin that tries to hold us. He gives us the power to escape temptation, His Holy Spirit gives us everything we need to live a godly life. ( References below)

As Lina walked out of  prison a free woman that afternoon she realized a new life was about to begin as she ran into the arms of her two children.

As you walk out of the prison you have already been freed from realize you have a new life waiting so run into the arms of the Father and live abundantly in Him.

Galatians 5:1 It was for freedom that Christ set us free; therefore keep standing firm and do not be subject again to a yoke of slavery.

Romans 1:7, Galatians 5:1, 1 Corinthians 10:13, 2 Peter 1:3

Don't forget to check out Grace Full Women for more encouragement and inspiration from an imperfect woman who just wants to share God's love.


Pam Lopez said...

I have been reminded so many times in recent months of the verse John 10:10 which says, "Satan has come to steal,kill & destroy, but I(God)has come to give LIFE and give it more abundantly."

I went through years of sexual abuse and sexual assault at the hands of family members(cousins) and a couple of other people during my childhood years. Satan tried his best to steal,kill and destroy me in so many ways, But, thankfully, through God's mercy and healing in my life, HE(GOD) has "restored" to me the years that Satan stole from me. I can now say THANKFULLY that God has healed my heart and my life. He has also given me a passion to help those that are hurting from victimization in their lives...

juliemooreonlife said...

Thanks for having the courage to share your testimony and help others.

comingeast said...

One of my favorite Bible verses is "I have been crucified with Christ. Nevertheless I live, yet it is not I who lives but Christ who lives in me." I don't know quite why, but that give me such a sense of freedom. Inspiring piece of writing, Julie.

juliemooreonlife said...

Me too Susan. Thanks so much for coming by.

Rick Alvey said...

Hey Julie! I passed this blog post on to three gals and the two that have had a chance to read it were really blessed by it! Thanks for letting God use you!

juliemooreonlife said...

Thanks for passing it on Rick. I was blessed by your post and intend to return.