Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hip Hip Hooray!

It's my first post to Pics, Prayers and Pompoms! I'm excited to finally have a blog dedicated to photos and encouragement. There's no telling what I'll come up with here.
For now I'm just going to start and post a few pics from my trip to Charleston South Carolina with my Daughter who I so lovingly refer to as The Fox. My son I call The Hound and hubs is The Train. Here goes....

OK so I'm an architectural fanatic. I took so many pics of buildings and homes it was really sad but I can see so much beauty in the structure and colors. I am particularly fond of old decaying buildings such as barns and shacks. I'm not sure why I like this kind of stuff but that's me and I'll give myself a high five if nobody else will.


Anonymous said...

Julie I love this, can't wait to see more.

Tammy Chandler

Tammy Durrence said...

Julie, I love your new site. I especially love the welcome message! Great!!!

Julie Moore said...

Thanks Tammy and Tammy. LOL. I'm excited and hope someone gets some encouragement from my little part of the world.

Susan Okaty said...

Great start, Julie, and I can't wait to see more. We've been wondering if it would be worth it for us to drive down to Charleston for an extended weekend. Your pictures are enticing.

Anonymous said...

Julie! Your pics are GREAT! Congrats on the new site! Love the theme and idea of it.

(Just curious - I switched from Blogger to WP and you switched from WP to Blogger. Any insight? It's been a while since I did. Tell me what you think of the differences in the two the way they are currently. Thanks)

Pics, Prayers and Pompoms said...

There were some things that are easier with blogger for me like designing, font change and such. However I'm finding things like being able to comment on each commnet seperately a problem, I can't download an image to the sidebar yet and things like that more difficult. I'm sure there ways to do these things I'll just have to do a tutorial.

I also wanted a fresh new start without connection to my other blogs. I felt they were holding me back and I feel Pics will be the beginning of a new open door for ministry and blogging.