Dear God,
There comes a time when I have to realize some people just don't change. Some of us don't even think we need to change. I find it a shame that we can't see there is always room to grow, always room to love people a little more.
I believe if we ever get to the point when we think we've come as far as we can it is detrimental to our overall growth. Whether it be physical, spiritual, mental or emotional we get stagnant and it effects us in more ways than one.
Relationships can't grow if I refuse to forgive, accept, or love. If I am selfish and won't take the time to invest in other people then in the end what will I have left.
I have looked at the example of Jesus many times and He loved, forgave and accepted people right where they were. If they needed a kind word or deed He was willing to give. He gave so unselfishly to everyone around Him. He gave unselfishly to the world when He took all the horrible sin, disease, hate, unforgiveness, selfishness, self-serving acts of all the world on Himself.
Looking at myself I have to ask "Am I willing to love unselfishly?"
"Am I willing to put the interest of others before my own?"
Certainly in my own flesh the answer is a loud "No." I admit that to You Father.
But praise Jesus that when He came to reside in me as my life I don't have to be selfish, I can give all in His strength. When I am willing to allow Him to be love through me I find I can do it rather easily because Your precious Son said in Matthew 11:28-30 “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.”
When I give Him my burdens, sin, sandpaper people, hard circumstances, and selfishness I will find He takes those burdens and gives me rest.
I do not want to stay the same. I want to grow more every day. Thank You Father that You have given me a way to do that.
How about you? Do you want to grow and change or are you happy where you are right now?
Oh, I hope we are never satisfied with where we are until we get home! Very candid post, Julie. Those sandpaper people can really be a handful. Praise God for bigger hands. ;-)
yes yes thanks so much for these words "Praise God for bigger hands."
such a thot provoking write up .... you made me think today.. i need to grow...
Yeah i got to thinking to and there's so many areas I need to grow in too. I'm glad we can always learn something new.
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