Monday, August 1, 2011

Safari In Georgia? See for Yourself

Hubs and I went on a short anniversary trip to Callaway Gardens this past weekend. While away we stopped of at a safari here in Georgia. Yes I know it sounds lame and we thought it might be a dud too. But we're getting old and wild animals sticking their heads in our car sounded like a bit of a thrill. We went for it! I'm sharing some of the excitement with you today.

[caption id="attachment_1646" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Love this photo of my babe and me."][/caption]


[caption id="attachment_1648" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Zebra wishing he could have more food."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1651" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="We steered clear of this steer."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1652" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Some kind of bull with horns that turned up."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1653" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="My favorite baby in the whole place."][/caption]

[caption id="attachment_1654" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Three little pigs."][/caption]

Ok so I guess after looking at the pics it looks to you more like a drive thru farm/safari than a wild safari right? Well there was the giraffe and the zebra you saw them and an ostrich which I did not post. And there was an element of danger with that big steer, bull animal coming at us! And the deer and other cows and stuff trying to eat our hands. And the drool was so gross and the big tongues, you did see the big tongues right?! Also what you haven't seen yet is the Walk About part. The animals were all caged but there were tigers and lions and bears oh my! I have pics to prove it.


Sandra said...

I've been to this place several times. Although alot of the animals remain the same each trip, there's always a different adventure or something going on. One time when we were there, they had bear cubs out for an "educational time". They allowed the children who were visiting that day to get up close and personal with them, supervised of course. It was so much fun to watch the children and their reactions. As I am sure you saw, there are so many things to see and do. On one of our visits, for a change, we rode the Zebra bus for a tour. That was alot of fun because the driver/guide had so many stories to tell and such fun things to share. He also had many of the animals named. Thank you for sharing this, I hope many folks believe you when you say "Safari in Georgia"..LOL It is very real!

juliemooreonlife said...

We will definitely go back. We thought about riding the bus and probably will next time because we didn't really know what some of the animals were. Thanks for sharing more info. Yes it is very real and it was exciting for me and hubs.

Linda Dunaway said...

I loved your pictures of all the animals! You are getting pretty good with your new camera! Also...a unquie picture of you & hubs...I like it! Isn' t it fun to be married long enough to be best friends so you can relax & enjoy the little things of life. Sounds like you had an awesome weekend!

juliemooreonlife said...

it is wonderful to married to a man I love so much and feel comfy with too. we had a great time and decided we'd go back again.

Debbi Robertson is 24atHeart said...

Fun Fun and FUN! And great photos!

juliemooreonlife said...

Thank you Debbi. What a compliment comming from you. I have so much to learn and I don't have any special programs yet but that will come in time. Can you recomend some beginner programs?