Tuesday, August 2, 2011

She Remains

[caption id="" align="alignright" width="300" caption="Image via Wikipedia"]Family heirloom silver napkin rings[/caption]

I didn’t know what to expect that first time I walked in her home. As I walked through her purposefully decorated living room to the kitchen I felt a little uncomfortable. My home was usually in disarray because I was raising small children and my housekeeping skills had not been perfected. So I was a little out of place when I stepped into a Better Homes and Garden magazine.

She was neatly dressed in jeans, a button up shirt and her hair perfectly set. Where was I, in a Leave It To Beaver episode?

I was escorted to her kitchen table which was already set with “real" plates, silverware, goblets, and cloth napkins. Did she keep it like this all the time or was this for me? I have to admit I felt special and she meant for me to feel that way.  Over at my house we used paper plates, cups and napkins. The easier the better. I later found out she had always used her good dishes even when her children were small. This lady was classy and refined and I wanted to learn what I could from

As a young woman I was impulsive and said and did things on a whim. She taught me what it meant to think before I spoke and later I understood that I should do the same before acting too. My mentor gently and wisely taught me how to be teachable.

I have watched her world almost fall apart and yet she remains. She remains in Him just as Christ tells us to do in John 15.

 Because she remains I have a godly woman to follow.

Because she remains her family stays strong.

Because she remains many others see Jesus every day.

And because she remains her legacy will go on.

We have been in ministry together for many, many years and I’ve grown because of my encourager. There is so much I could say but there is not enough space here or anywhere to contain all she’s taught me. The love I’ve received and had the privilege to give in this relationship has been one of the most special gifts the Lord has given to me.

I am blessed to have her on my side and I consider this woman my friend, mentor and partner in the greatest call we have on our lives, loving others to Jesus. Thank you N.

This was written in response to a prompt from The Red Dress Club. Write about a mentor, someone who guided or inspired you. How did your mentor impact your life?


N. said...

I love you dear friend!

juliemooreonlife said...

I guess you know how I feel about you.

Vikki (Victoria K) said...

I love reading and hearing about those God inspired meetings, friendships and mentoring relationships. He just matches people up in the most unexpected but yet the most perfect ways. :c)

What a blessing!

juliemooreonlife said...

Yes He certainly does and I am more than thankful.

Linda Dunaway said...

Oh how I enjoyed you writing about your mentor, Julie. When I was in my forties I started doing a lady in my neighborhood hair. One day she came to get her hair done & I was in a bad way..that was the day God opened the door for me to have "Miss Hazel" for my friend & mentor. Every week she got her hair done & she ministered to me about God, life, love, family and anything else we could find to share about. Now I'm in my 60ties & she in her 80ties & she continues to love me unconditionaly. I know my life would never have been the same without her. One thing she said I've never forgot.."never judge a person til you know their WHOLE story! We were blessed to have these women in our life!

juliemooreonlife said...

Oh thank you so much for sharing this story about your mentor with us Linda. What an inspiration for us to cling to those more mature women in our lives who add value and worth to us.

letmestartbysaying said...

Oh, what a sweet testament to someone who lives and breathes today. I can't imagine how overwhelmed she must feel, knowing that someone so eloquently put into words how important she is.
This was wonderful. Came from TRDC linkup.

Lance said...

This was so sweet to read. I have never met anyone that lit me up about Christianity or being a better Christian. I've always been on my own with my Faith.

It's terrific you've found that person. God truly gives us people like this. Good for both of you.

juliemooreonlife said...

I'm truly thankful and hope you find your person that you can connect with about faith.